Результаты поиска (1)
Форс-мажорные обстоятельства
Обучение Трейдингу
Форс-мажорные обстоятельства — события, которые нельзя было ни предвидеть, ни предотвратить. Как правило, это стихийные бедствия; войны; террористические акты; действия правительства, законодательных и исполнительных органов власти; хакерск...
Результаты поиска на английском языке (3)
Types of strategies
The average daily trading strategy consists of certain steps, including analysis, setting certain targets, placing orders, and executing a deal. The main idea of such a strategy is that the trade depends on the analysis that you have carrie...
Force majeure refers to events that could not be foreseen or prevented. As a rule, these are natural disasters, wars, terrorist attacks, government actions, actions of the executive and legislative authorities, hacker attacks, and other ill...
Trading conditions
There is no company, which gives bank guarantees providing Forex services. InstaForex has hundreds of thousands clients all over the world and they trust the company. Some time ago we offered bank guarantee but due to the world financial cr...